The Cat Rescue Micro-Tour (July 5-6)
The Cat Rescue Micro-Tour (July 5-6)
July 5-6 to Croton, NY
Please note you don't have to be into Animal Rescue to attend...we aren't playing cat games at camp...half of you registration fee will be donated, and that's all you have to do
This trip is the first of a series to bring attention and resources to causes that we (and our community) feel are important.
In 2017, we adopted 2 little scared feral Torbies (A torbie is a tortoiseshell cat with tabby stripes) from Little Little Wanderers NYC for the shop. 9 years later they are now living at home with us and have become like 90% socialized.
50% of all registration fees will be donated to Little Wanderers NYC.
We are also looking to have riders get pledges from friends, family and co-workers (although not required in any way). Pledge goals are as follows:
- $25 Donation = Torbie Death Ray patch
- $50 Donation = Torbie Death Ray mug
- $100 Donation = Torbie Death Ray shirt
- Note logos and items show are from 2017, and will be updated for this event.
("Torbie Death Ray" was an imaginary band we though these cats would be in...logo designed back in 2017, and we would always sell their 'merch out.)
All riders will be listed on a donation page (unless you don't want to be listed)...first initial, last name